Quality management

At Pars AB Tadbir Consultant Engineering Company (PAT), one of the most reputable engineering services companies in Iran, we believe that in order to survive in a competitive market, we shall always comply with the agreed requirements with clients as well as the supervising government requirements for continuous improvement, and must continuously strive for their satisfaction. The management of this company believes that this can be achieved only by paying attention to the followings:

* Promoting customer satisfaction

* Applying a systematic and international approach for managing and directing the organization

* Improving the quality of services by observing safety and using modern equipment, tools and technology

* Using high quality suppliers

* Increasing staff retention and satisfaction through training, motivation and job satisfaction of personnel and development of quality culture

* Commitment to the optimal use of national resources and environmental protection using state of the art scientific development

* Commitment to the charter of professional ethics in order to protect customer information and avoid unethical treatment of rival companies and institutions

For this purpose, the company has established a quality management system based on ISO9001, ISO10006, ISO10004, ISO10002, ISO14001 and ISO45001 Codes to meet the additional needs of customers and has assigned a representative for monitoring it. I, myself, will also evaluate the performance of this system in meeting the needs of customers and this policy, in specific time periods, and will allocate the necessary resources to eliminate its shortcomings and to continuously improve it.


  • ISO  14001

    ISO 14001

  • ISO  10002

    ISO 10002

  • ISO  45001

    ISO 45001

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